Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.14 APK for Android/iOS

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Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS
Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS

The description of ZOIDS FIELD OF REBELLION :
Battle multiple players that are connected online is divided into two teams!
Attacked the camp, to win is better to destroy the enemy stronghold ahead! Temporary Keep your eye on the real-time online matches!
Movement in accordance with the war situation case enjoy the game of large-boned that is required!

● world of [ZOIDS FIELD OF REBELIION (Zoids field of Rebellion)]
● This world in which the two forces wage a war over a long time.
You are living with ZOIDS (Zoids), cast himself into the fight.
Reconstruct the original settings based on the world view of "ZOIDS concept art".
ZOIDS (Zoids) who is dynamic in being realistic on the basis of the "battlefield setting," "field". In the palm "realistic ZOIDS world" appears.

Game introduction :
◆ trying to freely manipulate the ZOIDS (Zoids) in a virtual pad ◆
In virtual pad that can be manipulated while ZOIDS of movement and attacks is thought of (Zoids),
Shield Liger, Saber Tiger, you Norikonaso popular ZOIDS (Zoids), such as command Wolf!
To understand the aircraft characteristics of each ZOIDS (Zoids), case corresponds to the war situation to change in real time!

◆ equipped with a weapon customized to your own ZOIDS (Zoids) ◆
GET such as weapons and metal at random from the container!
Shop can also nominated buying of weapons in the daily!
Let Rinmo to play in a thorough equipment!

◆ allowed to fall the home of the enemy, it will aim at victory ◆
To attack the "base", "home" of the opposing team, victory is better to to fall to "home" before!
While protecting the "base", "home" of the army, case early fall as much as possible the "base", "the Center" of the opposing team!

◆ fun cooperative play with peers ◆
Let's take a companion and communication of the same team using the stamp!
Or encouraging fellow, such as when you want to help a friend, a stamp to help communication in combat implementation. Teamwork is the key to victory!

◆ quirky pilot character to ride the ZOIDS (Zoids) ◆
Character who drifts adult atmosphere by Mr. of design HIRONOX.
Characters that appear in the game, was lowered to draw for all the work now Original!
Pilot-specific skills influence the war situation!

Game Info :
Latest Version:1.0.8
Publish Date: 2017-04-17
Size : 37.6 MB

Screenshot :

Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS

Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS

Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS

Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS

Zoids Field Of Rebellion MOD (Limited Edition) v1.0.8 APK for Android/iOS



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